Peace Corps

Our Peace Corps Experience


Charmagne and I met on June 3, 1996 on the first day of our training for the Peace Corps. After a week we were shipped out, along with "seventy of our closest friends" to Poland. It seemed that there was more than a little fate floating around on our Peace Corps adventure as we not only found each other, but made many life-long friends at the same time.

town hall

Alex was stationed in Kętrzyn. It is a town of about 30,000 people and most famous for being the home of Hitler's "Wolf's Lair" where, from 1940-1945 (over 800 days), Hitler conducted WWII. I taught English in the local High School, L.O. While teaching at the L.O. I lived in a student dormitory. Probably the most interesting part about that was that I had no heat, except that from a small electric heater, during holidays and weekends. Ah, the beauty of centralized economic systems. Ketrzyn LOI had some wonderful students while I was there. In particular I remember from my first year 4F and the all girls-4E classes. Kętrzyn was a wonderful town with a lot going for it. I still have friends there, czesc Tomek! and remember our return trip in 2002 with fondness.



Charmagne taught in Szczytno, about two hours south of Kętrzyn by bus. Her teaching assignment was a bit more challenging as she was teaching at a technical high school. sczcytno schoolOne of the best things about her school was her amazing Pani Director. She was a very competent school administrator who seemed able to do just about anything for the good of her school, including building a hotel in the top two floors of the school. Charmagne, like Alex, had some great colleagues, including Basia and Elzbieta.

We really did enjoy our time in Poland. Of course it was nice to get out of our respective towns and take trips various places. Our personal favorites were either the thirty six hour bus ride to Southern Germany to visit Karin or there is always the thirty two hour bus ride to Rome to meet Kara and her Uncle Bob. Somehow flights just never seem all that long anymore! Why the bus and not the plane? Well, when you make two hundred USD a month airplanes are a bit out of your reach.

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