Once our adventure in Mexico was over, and it nearly was not over thanks to the US Immigration (dis)Service...of who I can not say anything because it would not even be adult appropriate, we left for Saudi Arabia.
We took jobs in Saudi at a time after which there had been several bombings and most people were leaving the country. So why did we do it? Several reasons. We had interviewed with the then-superintendent and really wanted to work for him, plus the school offers on-site daycare, a great financial package and the school it self seemed well put together, pedagologically speaking. We are now in our second year in Saudi and have no regrets. Isabel loves her teachers, learns so many new things each day we can not keep up, and that alone is reason enough to be happy. More than that, the school looks after our interests, we live on a nice compound with most of the rest of the staff, have nice co-workers and are happy to be raising our daughter in a place where there is little to no crime, she is loved by every Saudi store clerk and we can spend extra time with each other as a family. As to our contact with Saudi culture, that is disappointingly low. Saudis do not seem to want contact with others, and working with very few Saudis as it is, we have very little exposure to locals. A distinct
shift from Poland and Mexico. Do we miss it? You bet! In both Poland and Mexico, this was one of the things we valued most. Unfortunately here that is just not to be. However, if that unfortunate circumstance is to be, this is the time for it to be so. We are a new family that enjoys the time we have together, and here we have more of that than perhaps we would elsewhere.